a friend of mine had a husband with an antique store...she put in a darling little boutique within his store....special things she had made ...BUT when i came to see, there was hardly anything there.....she had almost all put on layaway....leaving her with no inventory and no money......and her dh was tripping over it in the back room.... and the paper work....
in the auction world, where we started our business, there is no credit and little whining...its all , as is ,where is and pay immediately...and if its broke, tough luck..,
..so we always needed ready money.... . and learned to eat our mistakes...
all this helped make good strong policies for our store...
if we cant do something right and mostly hassle free we dont even go there....
our mark up is average or low...so tons of service just cant be in the price...we dont want to be a service business.... we want to be a cash and carry business..
..we have always had no credit, no layaways, no special orders, almost no deliveries and it works great!!!
no one owes us money, no one is avoiding us out of embarrassment, we arent storing unpaid for merchandise... we arent sending out dreary notices of failure to pay....we arent turning down a sale because someone put 5$ down on something.... these policies have saved us all kinds of troubles...
just a simple delivery can take hours..been there with jon and the innocent little old ladies!!! ..
you get a nice young guy big and strong, in a house with a little old lady with no family and he can end up moving huge stuff for her....could you just take this upstairs for me...etc etc.......its hard to refuse....... the one im thinking of actually called jon a few weeks later because there was an opposum hiding in her basement...he went..... she gave him cookies...
all our inventory is either sold and paid for or for sale.
and the customers accept it easily.....even if its a little unusual...
we get tricked into teeny lay aways once in a while...like if they call at night and say they want something and will we hold a day or 2...we do that...but even those can go wrong....
all our inventory is either sold and paid for or for sale.
and the customers accept it easily.....even if its a little unusual...
we get tricked into teeny lay aways once in a while...like if they call at night and say they want something and will we hold a day or 2...we do that...but even those can go wrong....
im on country business retailer forum....and whenever the lay away subject comes up there are horror stories ....
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