Thursday, March 12, 2009

advice for women ..+ venting

i think we need a forum for stores..... if anyone has heard of one i would love to hear about it...

all i can find are girly forums , forums for newbies, forums for work at home moms.... forums for forums...thats all fine but not me, im established...committed.and have a big store on my hands that needs to keep on going....i need my bliss to keep on working....i want to hear about things that are working in good functioning stores.... a forum for independant businesses ,with stores who are making it, or invested in making it, and facing all the issues our store is facing......i want a place where you can get real feedback from others in the same boat.... ....positive or be careful....about all the new ideas we are trying...

ive read so many business and marketing books...and generic expert advice is fine..but im not needing more expert advice....,im hoping to find a place with on the ground practical advice from people who go to the same shows i do, know my customers, know my field etc etc...,,, a forum with other businesses .....
can you tell ive had it with the **girly*** live your dream**go girl** advice?
i do believe all that about living your dream....but it doesnt work by itself....the market is a cruel place and will leave you in the dust......if you pick the wrong thing it wont sell, if you dont have enough inventory you will never make minimum wage, if it all falls the bills still need to be paid...your customers will let you know if your theories are working.....
.i just left a forum,run by a queen bee, supposedly about supporting women in business , where any actual business talk was looked at as negative /bad......and looked at as doom and gloom...only positive girly nice thoughts allowed .....anything else gets deleted......and they have kicked off several members who i thought were very popular and fun to read, ....they shocked me there,... it was so mild... nothing like the great discussions we used to have on country business.... ......they dont want any talk from someone like me...a critical , wonky, type a ,worrying virgo.... who barely baby talked to her own babies...

.then i tried another forum ,mainly for startups, run by experts....important info but boring..ive read all that ....

and if you look at the shelter magazines and try getting advice from their experts and stars.....beware......take a look at how long they have been in they really have a financially viable thing going? ..i want to hear from someone who has at least 5 yrs under their belt, not one or 2...someone taking a paycheck home...

basically i think most of the business advice aimed at women out there is very shallow......and a huge disservice to a lot the great women out there who are ready to jump into business....and maybe use up lots of family money..we wholesale , and i know a lot of women in that boat...they /we need a lot more realistic advice... i wonder where this rosy idea of business a dvice comes from ? good copy? to sell their own services? who knows...

i used to be on country business was so good...lots of good store could see the posts, the moderator was great and stayed out of the way, , the tekk part worked well, it was a bunch of stores with lots in common, where over a few years most issues were discussed ..its all changed now.... ....
im on a great tekk forum....but they are all guys and not about my junky, shabby. romantic house stuff world....
so im kind of homeless in the forum department right now....

and i really miss not having one....

how about giftbeat? anything going on good there?
oh to work!!! im going out to stirr up up my bliss....we got our huge garden iron delivery yesterday....


Abby Kerr Ink said...

Hi, Ann--

Just wanted to leave a comment and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Even though I know none of us has magic {what we all really want, right?}, all of us a level of experience, some insights, some wisdom, and some particular experiences we can share. Hopefully we can all help each other through these strange times.

Keep blogging, sister! {I won't say 'go girl.'}


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, Miss Friv here, I feel the exact same way. I miss having a retail forum to go to. Just can't get into that "gift shop" forum, there are too many odd spam-like ads. And I agree about the girly-girl forums. And about online-only shops. They're okay, but it's not like it is when you have a brick and mortar. I want some good meaty discussions about the shopkeeping life!!

I really need to come down to your place this spring! My 2nd shop is almost all vintage/antique! Not 'real' antiques, just old pretty 2nd hand goodies. I would love to clean you out of some of your teacups and dishes!!

Keep posting here, I'll be reading!

Miss Friv :)

ann at greenoak said...

good to hear from you friv....i wish you were doing a blog..
...if you find a new cyber home please let me know....

Anonymous said...

Love your blog,can't wait to check it every day. I live in Tenn. and dream of coming to your store. Just opened my own in August of 08, and read every bit of info. I can find from folks like you and others that use to be on the Country Bus. forum which I agree is no longer the same. SAD. Would also love to know of a great forum, I need all the help and advise from those that have been in the business much longer than myself. I feel that is better than any book I could ever read. Those that have already walked through those times that I am just about to go through can be one of the most valuable tools available. I cherish so much the info I collect from folks like you. Please keep it up. I'm always out here looking and reading.