really i wish i had the clientel to sell this kind of stuff in the store.......and support the artists ....but im in corn country for one thing....and i cant get
$$200 for a darling little robot...dang!!!! i really love them....but i cant blame the artists for their prices either....
i do buy for myself sometimes....and sometimes i think hey i work for very little a lot of times..now and in the past.....so why do artists want to start out so high?....
Love the map head, love the two small creatures in white, love the christmas wreath, love love love it all. Sea Witch
we have a lot to thank the internet for!!!
me to!
love it all!
I'm going to pull out my hot glue gun and try to make some ornament peace wreaths....
I just bought a bunch of cheap styrofoam skulls and glittered them to death (now they are really dead!)
we did try the wreaths last week....dont forget the glue melts the styrafoam....so we covered that with cloth first.... thats what my worker said anyway....they turned out great...
i saw skulls in themiddle of black wreaths today at the big show...will try to post pictures soon...
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