Friday, March 19, 2010


all the spring inventory is coming in....the weather is breaking and we are finally getting some sun.....the customers are venturing out more....the robins are back...
..........ITS SPRING..almost
on the money side its a hard month because so much is coming in..big loads of garden iron, the orders from chicago , everything we need for spring and summer.....but it feels good...we are fat and full ..
im hearing some good reports from some of the show people i know...they are reporting great sales and lots of people.... so im taking that as a good sign for all of us ..
the forum for stores is taking off.... if you have a store and want some brick and mortar shop talk come on over and check it out...


Sandy and Joe/rhubarb reign said...

Hi Annie! We're glad spring is showing at least some signs of its arrival. Have a question for you: a friend was in at Green Oak the other day, looking at your kitchen islands. He asked me if you guys did any customization on those, like adding drawers. Told him I'd ask and get back to him. Can you let me know? Thanks! Sandy

Relics said...

I love March too!!


ann at greenoak said...

thanks sandy...probably not.... we can make different sizes but dont want to tackle drawer configurations.ann

Feather Your Nest said...

I hate the last week in March - spring break is like a ghost town around here... we always have our Bunny Hop for the Cure the Saturday before Easter so that's always a good spring event for us. Can't wait for May and Springfield though - need some "cool" stuff cause it's looking a little bland in the shoppe these days... and always fun to tag along with the master "flea shopper" :-)