Wednesday, July 22, 2009

slow and trash to treasure

one of our trash to treasure counters...
or cash wrap or kitchen islands...
it was so slow today!!! we fluffed and made stuff.....we always have lots of work to do...
thank heavens for trash to treasure ..we have theparts cheap....for our creative customers and on slow days like today we make good saleable inventory out of old windows, shutters and old tin.....shelves signs etc etc....there are so many good junky ideas out there,,,,and the public seems really into it too..... so even tho we werent busy today we were making money......
at our store we have to have 2 people to carry all the a counter person and a floor person....and sometimes a couple more....
orphan ideas
mosaic on big stuff a dressform or furniture....but i dont know about glue...
big branches in side the store
trunk show....i like this idea...but dont know who or what would work
indie art show...ive heard of some great at the blissful...but can i realy throw another event on the schedule....and wouldnt be sure the local girls would be buying enough and what artists i could find......
girls day out....such a good idea but how to market it!!! we are that for lots of women.... how to find more in other towns is so illusive
custom tables and counters....could i really face the hassle?....i hope we dont have to go this way...
selling website....are we nuts?....i bought a site already, from avalon rose, and might try it....but i would like to know one store who is accomplishing anything on it, by my standards meaning a few 100 a seems pretty unlikely....especially with paid sure not going to be doing it... i can barely turn the computer on...

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