Sunday, June 28, 2009

natural progression.....

ive noticed a natural ive seen so many times and one that often runs the early creators out of business......this time it those neat soldered necklaces.

.i started seeing them about 3 or 4 yrs ago......i just love them and almost have bought the kits to make them....its a picture a piece of glass some words nice silver solder around the glass and a boughten ones are 19.00.....
the big country wholesaler, pbk is offering some that look pretty neat at 2.50......they are made by the retarded as a project for her least they arent made in china!!
seeing this tells me not to order anymore at 10$ wholesale.....
a new price might be coming.... i hope the artists who make the really neat ones can get their production up and their prices lower.and stay in the market... .....the real natural progression in this is having them get cheaper and start showing up everywhere and in then in walmart and the dollar stores and then its over...

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